
January 5, 2012

Food for ‘Webi Shabbelle’ and ‘Qalaafe’ Camps

Humanitarian African Relief Organization (HARO) and World Assembly Of Muslim Youth (WAMY) took coordinated action to feed the refugees in two Camps that are located in […]
December 29, 2011

HARO Launched a Humanitarian Assessment Mission to Mogadishu

I joined the Humanitarian African Relief Organization (HARO) team on an assessment mission to Mogadishu, Somalia, in the month of December 2011, taking a two week […]
December 16, 2011

HARO & WAMY took coordinated action to feed refugees in Kaluun camp in Muqdisho (images)

While the humanitarian aid efforts are under way after the horrific droughts and instabilities, Humanitarian African Relief Organization (HARO) and World Assembly Of Muslim Youth (WAMY) […]
December 15, 2011

Hay’adda Samafalka ee HARO oo soo Bandhigtay Waxqabadkeeda iyo Gargaarkii Abaaraha Gobalada Somalia..(VIDEO + SAWIRO).

    Waxaan halkaan idinku soo gudbineynaa Video ku Saabsan Hay’adda Samafalka ee Humanitarian Releif Organization (HARO) oo saldhigooda ama xaruntooda ay tahay Sandiego,California Mareykanka oo […]
November 24, 2011

Turkish Red Crescent to sacrifice 5,000 livestock in Somalia during Eid

Turkish Red Crescent will sacrifice 5,000 livestock in Somalia during the Feast of Sacrifice. Turkish aid association will sacrifice 500 calf, 500 camels, and 4,000 sheep […]
November 4, 2011


Jamaame is a populated city in Lower Jubba. The river and the farms were the main sources of livelihood for the people of Jamaame but when […]
October 17, 2011

HARO oo Deeq gaarsiisay Qoysas ku Dhaqan Degmadda Jamaame

Hay’adda Humanitarian African Relief Organization (HARO) ayaa waxay Deeq gaarsiisay Qoysasa ku dhaqan Degmadda Jamaame oo ka Gobolka Jubbadda Hoose waxaa Deeqdaan ka Faaiideystey Qoysas gaaraya […]
September 18, 2011

What did HARO do about the Drought in Somalia? (Watch)

September 15, 2011

HARO oo Deeq Gargaar Gaarsiisey barakacayaasha abaaraha

Waxaa weli si xawli leh uga socda Muqdisho gargaarka la gaarsiinayo dadka ay saameeyeen abaaraha ku dhintay Koonfurta dalka Soomaaliya. Hayadda Humanitarian African Relief Organization (HARO) […]