
September 15, 2011

Somalia famine has killed ‘29,000 children’

US officials say that the famine in Somalia has killed more than 29,000 children in the last 90 days. Separately, the UN has declared that three new regions […]
July 21, 2011

Appeal To All Humanity

      HARO is relief and development organization based in San Diego, CA, announced the launch of its East Africa Crisis Appeal.  In recent weeks […]
July 21, 2011

Overall Developments in Somalia

Galgaduud region Today, (11 March) fierce fighting broke out in Dhuusamarreeb district, Galgaduud region, between Ahlu Sunnah wal-Jama’a and Al Shabaab forces. The fighting occurred at […]
July 21, 2011

Somalia Condition Feb 2011

More than 400 schools countrywide have closed as a result of the drought, aff ecting nearly 55,000 pupils, since December 2010. This is due to: the […]
July 21, 2011

Conflict and Displacements

Belet Xaawo, Gedo region Tension is still high in the town of Belet Xaawo, Gedo region, as sporadic shelling continues from the Ethiopian town of Suftu. […]
July 21, 2011

Dadaalka Abaaraha

July 21, 2011

Kenya: Somali refugees need protection not abuse

Kenya’s violations of the human rights of Somali refugees and asylum-seekers are putting thousands of lives at risk, Amnesty International said in a report released today. […]
July 21, 2011

UNHCR calls for increased aid for Somalia’s suffering civilian population

NAIROBI, Kenya, December 3 (UNHCR) – UN High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres has made a passionate appeal for the international community to come to the […]
July 21, 2011

Tens of thousands displaced by clashes in Somalia

GENEVA, October 26 (UNHCR) – Fierce fighting between rival militia groups in Somalia has forced an estimated 60,000 people from their homes, UNHCR reported Tuesday. Briefing […]