Banadir Region

June 26, 2018

HARO 2018 Zakatul Al-Fitr

The HARO team distributed the zakatul fitr funds you donated in Mogadishu, Somalia.  
June 26, 2018

HARO Eid clothes for over 200 Orphans in Somalia

The HARO team distributed clothes for Oprhans in Mogadishu ahead of the Eid holiday. These orphans live in refugee camps around Mogadishu.
November 26, 2017

Rehabilitation of Borehole in Mogadishu

As the HARO president visits Mogadishu to hand over the emergency funds for people affected by the explosion happened on August 14th, 2017, Ali Abdinur, and […]
October 17, 2017

Mogadishu Disaster Response

As you may already know that on Saturday, October 14, 2017, Mogadishu was hit with the worst bombing in its history. More than 300 people died […]
May 25, 2017

Aid for the people of Garas Balay, Banadir

HARO team recently visited the community of Garas Balay in Banadir region where large number of families were suffering from the impact of the drought. The […]
May 11, 2017

Aid For The Camp of Geedlaawe

The HARO team went to the camp of Geedlaawe which has large number of refugees who needed any help they could get. The team laid down […]
June 18, 2016

Hay’adda HARO oo dhar kala duwan ah ka Qaybisay Degmada Dayniile

Hay’adda Samafalka ee Humanitarian Africa Relief Organization (HARO) ayaa Taariikhdu Markey ahayd 22-8-2016 waxaay Macaawino Dhar Nooco kala duwan ah ka qeybiyay Xero Barkacayaal ah oo […]
December 12, 2015

Hay’adda HARO oo Kaalmo Gaarsiisay Qoxootiga Yemeniyiinta ah ee ku nool Muqdisho (SAWIRO)

Hay’adda samafalka ee Humanitarian African Relief Organization (HARO) oo ka howlgala Somalia ayaa Qoxootiga kazoo cararay dagaallada dalkooda ka socda ee Yemeniyiinta oo haatan kuna nool […]
September 4, 2015


Hay’adda Humanitarian African Relief Organization (HARO) ayaa Sakaatul Fidri ah ka Qaybisay Gobolka Banaadir gaar ahaan Degmooyinka Wadajir iyo Hodan; waxaana Sakaatul Fidrigan loo Qaybiyay Qoysas […]