Banadir Region

July 25, 2015

HARO oo soo Gunaanaday Mashruucii Afurinta Bixiseyna Sakaatul Fidriga

Hay’adda Humanitarian African Relief Organization (HARO) ayaa Sakaatul Fidri ah ka Qaybisay Gobolka Banaadir gaar ahaan Degmooyinka Wadajir iyo Hodan; waxaana Sakaatul Fidrigan loo Qaybiyay Qoysas […]
July 9, 2015

HARO oo Muqdisho Kawada Afurinta Dadka Masaakiinta ah ee Sooman

Iyadoo hay’ada HARO – Humanitarian African Relief Organization – ay marka la gaaro bisha barakeysan ee Ramadaan ka billowdo Gobollada dalka oo ay ku jirto Muqdisho […]
June 22, 2015

HARO oo lacag ugu deeqday qaxootiga kasoo cararaya dagaallada Yemen

Hay’adda Humanitarian African Relief Organization(HARO) ee fadhigeedu yahay dalka Maraykanka Ayaa malintii shalay oo taariikhdu ahayd 18-06-2015 ku wareejisay culumada , Mu’asasada Al Minhaaj Puntland deeq […]
October 9, 2014

Qurbani concluded in Mogadishu and Baydhabo

With the season of Muslim holidays ending, HARO completed Qurbani (Animal Sacrifice) in refugee camps around Mogadishu and Baydhabo cities in Somalia. The meat from this […]
August 11, 2014

Iftar and Zakatul Fitr distributed in Mogadishu, Somalia

The humanitarian African relief Organization also known as HARO started a much need project to feed the families and individuals struggling to find any food to […]
September 4, 2013


The humanitarian relief organization (HARO) has delivered an aid donated by Muslims living in North America to the vision impaired people who reside several comps in […]
August 17, 2013

Clothing and Shoes for refugees in Mogadishu

The humanitarian organization HARO has delivered aid consisting of clothing, shoes and backpacks/purses to the displaced people living in Wadajir city in Banadir region. More than […]
February 13, 2013

Relief aid for Blind and vision impaired people.

The humanitarian relief organization (HARO) has delivered an aid donated by Muslims living in North America to the vision impaired people who reside several comps in […]
November 2, 2012

HARO distributed for Ed- Al-Adha 2012 Meat to 1500 families in Somalia

  The Humanitarian African Relief Organization (HARO) put together a meat distribution plan for the Eid-UL-Adha festivities. HARO have been helping the needy people in East […]