Emergency Relief

June 9, 2018

Food for the people of Awdal affected by Sagar Cyclone

The people of Awdal region in Somaliland suffered from the devastating impact of the tropical cyclone SAGAR. The HARO team immediately traveled to the area and […]
June 5, 2018

Food for the People of Awdal Region

After the tropical cyclone Sagar hit the Awdal region in Somaliland, many people died and many more livestocks were lost. The HARO team traveled to the […]
May 29, 2018

Food, Tents and Mosquito nets for the people of Baardheere

The HARO team in Baardheere, Somalia delivered much-needed aid to the most needy people in the city. These people were displaced by droughts and flood happening […]
May 9, 2018

Food for the people displaced by Floods

The floods of Shabelle river caused major displacement of people in Beledwayne area. The HARO team distributes food to hundreds of families displaced by the flooding. […]
May 9, 2018

Tents for the people displaced by floods in Beledweyne, Somalia

As the rainfall intensified, more and more people are fleeing from their homes because of ever increasing floods in Beledweyne area. The HARO team realized the […]
April 24, 2018

5000 families displaced as Shabelle river floods

5000 families have been displaced by the flooding of the Shabelle river in Beletweyne amid deepening the humanitarian situation in the region. Hirshabelle president and Hiraan […]
April 19, 2017

Hay’adda HARO oo deeq gaarsiisay in ka badan 2,000 oo qoys deegaanada Puntland (Masawiro)

Hay,adda HARO ayaa 09-kii ilaa 14 bishaan ka qeybinaysa deegaano ka tirsan Gobolka Mudug deeq raashin iyo biyo ah oo ka timid dadka Soomaaliyeed ee ku […]
April 13, 2017

2017 Drought Report – Somalia

Highlights • Around 536,000 people have been displaced in Somalia due to drought since November 2016. Around 70,000 have arrived in Baidoa and around 72,000 in […]
May 17, 2016

Haro Distrubutes food aid in Nugaal

HARO USA, has distributed food aid to 100 families in Somalia’s Nugaal region, who have been affected by the drought this year. Officials said that food […]