Emergency Relief

December 12, 2015

Hay’adda HARO oo Kaalmo Gaarsiisay Qoxootiga Yemeniyiinta ah ee ku nool Muqdisho (SAWIRO)

Hay’adda samafalka ee Humanitarian African Relief Organization (HARO) oo ka howlgala Somalia ayaa Qoxootiga kazoo cararay dagaallada dalkooda ka socda ee Yemeniyiinta oo haatan kuna nool […]
December 4, 2015

Somalia Humanitarian Need Report of 2016

While the country has made modest gains, high levels of humanitarian needs persist. About 4.9 million people are in need of life-saving and livelihoods support and […]
June 22, 2015

HARO oo lacag ugu deeqday qaxootiga kasoo cararaya dagaallada Yemen

Hay’adda Humanitarian African Relief Organization(HARO) ee fadhigeedu yahay dalka Maraykanka Ayaa malintii shalay oo taariikhdu ahayd 18-06-2015 ku wareejisay culumada , Mu’asasada Al Minhaaj Puntland deeq […]
December 2, 2014

HARO Response to Gedo Drought Crisis 2014

In response to the alerts from Gedo Droughts in this year, HARO has arranged many consequence campaigns of fund rising in many parts of the world […]
November 27, 2014

HARO Blanket Drive

You might have heater and roof on top of you to keep you warm but for the most needed families in Somalia, They don’t have protection […]
October 21, 2014

Funding for Gedo Drought

Humanitarian partners are scaling up response to cover the needs of affected people in drought- affected regions in Somalia, while the aid agencies say that more […]
September 3, 2014

Famine Alert in Somalia

The population in Crisis and higher will likely reach one million people by December 2014. Most of the food insecure will be in agropastoral areas and […]
June 14, 2014

Hunger kills two children in western Somalia

Two young girls between the ages of 4 and 7 have been confirmed dead due to hunger and thirst in a village near the town of […]
March 15, 2014

HARO’s President Visited The Typhoon Affected People

The deadly cyclone hit northern Somalia the end of last year (2013) has claim the lives of many people and livestock. The cyclone made landfall in […]