June 12, 2018

HARO Delivered food to the people of Dolow after the flood

The HARO team in Gedo region delivered food to over 150 families in Dolow, Somalia. These families fled because of floods and left their homes to […]
June 5, 2018

Food for the People of Awdal Region

After the tropical cyclone Sagar hit the Awdal region in Somaliland, many people died and many more livestocks were lost. The HARO team traveled to the […]
May 29, 2018

Food, Tents and Mosquito nets for the people of Baardheere

The HARO team in Baardheere, Somalia delivered much-needed aid to the most needy people in the city. These people were displaced by droughts and flood happening […]
May 11, 2017

Aid For The Camp of Geedlaawe

The HARO team went to the camp of Geedlaawe which has large number of refugees who needed any help they could get. The team laid down […]
April 11, 2017

Hay’ada Haro Oo Biyo Dhaamis Iyo Raashin Qabin Kasamaysay Gobolka Sool (Masawiro)

Hay’ada haro oo kashaqasa  gargaarka dadka somali ayaa mudoo inkii danbe waxay waday olole ay ugu gurmanayso dadka abaartu saamasay . Hay’ada haro ayaa todobaadkaan waxay […]
March 30, 2017

Water and Food given to the people of Bay and Bakool

As the drought intensified in Somalia, the need for aid has increased dramatically, the HARO team in Xudur city, the Bakool religion met with 400 families […]
May 22, 2012

HARO and WAMY delivered Food, clothes and Milk Powder to IDPs.

The two nonprofit organizations, HARO and WAMY delivered aid to more than 450 internally displaced persons (IDPs) families in Mogadishu. The aid consisted of Food, clothes […]