Hiiraan Region

October 31, 2019

Xaalada Murugsan ee Fatahaada Baladweyne

OCHA said in a briefing Monday 85% of Beletwyene town had been submerged in water. Pictures show the whole town in water as locals struggle to […]
May 11, 2019

Mogadishu Ramadan Iftar 🌙

  With your help and generosity, we were able to supply iftar to people in Mogadishu, Somalia. Our Ramadan campaign is still going and will continue […]
May 9, 2018

Food for the people displaced by Floods

The floods of Shabelle river caused major displacement of people in Beledwayne area. The HARO team distributes food to hundreds of families displaced by the flooding. […]
May 9, 2018

Tents for the people displaced by floods in Beledweyne, Somalia

As the rainfall intensified, more and more people are fleeing from their homes because of ever increasing floods in Beledweyne area. The HARO team realized the […]
April 24, 2018

5000 families displaced as Shabelle river floods

5000 families have been displaced by the flooding of the Shabelle river in Beletweyne amid deepening the humanitarian situation in the region. Hirshabelle president and Hiraan […]
October 5, 2012

Floods Displace Thousands in Beletweyne, Somalia-2012

Several people have been killed and displaced approximately 3,500 families after heavy rains in central Somalia’s Hiiraan Region caused the Shabelle River to burst its banks […]
July 4, 2012


Several people have been killed and displaced approximately 3,500 families after heavy rains in central Somalia’s Hiiraan Region caused the Shabelle River to burst its banks […]
July 21, 2011

Deeq la gaarsiiyay Qoysas ku jirra Xeryaha Barakacayaasha Magaalada Beledweyn

Xerrada lagu magacaabo Alla Aamin oo ku taala duleedka Xaafadaha Howl-wadaag ee Magaalada Beledweyne waxaa ay ka mid tahay Xeryaha ay ku jiraan Qoysaska ugu badan […]