Nugaal Region

July 25, 2015

HARO oo lacag u Qaybisay Caruur Agoon ah ee Degaannada Puntland

Hay’adda HARO Puntland ayaa maalinkii koowaad ee Ciiddul Fidriga oo ku beeganayd Jimcihii dharka Ciidda u qaybisay caruur gaaraya labo boqol oo ilmood oo isugu jiray […]
March 15, 2014

HARO’s President Visited The Typhoon Affected People

The deadly cyclone hit northern Somalia the end of last year (2013) has claim the lives of many people and livestock. The cyclone made landfall in […]
November 29, 2013

$80k raised to help people effected by the typhoon Northeastern Somalia

Its more than two weeks since the tropical cyclone reached Puntland coastal shores and caused havoc and loss of many lives. Thousands of livestock died and […]
November 23, 2013

Aid to the people effected by flood

HARO team has reached some of the people effected by the severe weather and flood in eastern Somalia where they have met few survivors.
August 19, 2013

Making Orphans Happy!

HARO is one of the humanitarian organization dedicated helping the most needy people in Africa and this month, The volunteers of HARO held an event for […]
July 21, 2011

Uruka samafalka Haro oo deeq dhar ah u qaybiyey dadka barakacayaasha ah ee ku nool Garoowe(Daawomasawirada)

Garoowe:-Ururka samafalka oo magaciisa loo soo gaabiyo Haro ayaa maanta mucaawimo isugu jirtay dhar iyo kabo  u qaybiyey dadka barakacayasha ah ee ku nool Magaalada Garoowe ee Caasimada […]
July 21, 2011

Hey’adda Haro oo Deeq dhar ah gaarsiisay dadka tabaalaysan ee ku dhaqan M. Garoowe

Hey’adda  Samafalka ee Humanitarian Africa Relief Organization (Haro) ayaa macaawino dhar ah ka qeybiyay Xerada Qaxootiga ee Kaam Riig ee Magaalada Garoowe oo ay dagan yihiin […]