
April 11, 2017

Hay’ada Haro Oo Biyo Dhaamis Iyo Raashin Qabin Kasamaysay Gobolka Sool (Masawiro)

Hay’ada haro oo kashaqasa  gargaarka dadka somali ayaa mudoo inkii danbe waxay waday olole ay ugu gurmanayso dadka abaartu saamasay . Hay’ada haro ayaa todobaadkaan waxay […]
April 6, 2017

Water Supply for Balad Hawo, Gedo

As the drought gets worse, the HARO team is trying very hard to reach to the places hit hard and the people who are struggling to […]
March 30, 2017

Water and Food given to the people of Bay and Bakool

As the drought intensified in Somalia, the need for aid has increased dramatically, the HARO team in Xudur city, the Bakool religion met with 400 families […]
January 8, 2017

HARO distributed much needed water in Sool region

HARO agent Shiekh Yasin Abdullahi recently distributed much needed water supply to the people suffering from the impact of the drought. The water was mainly given […]
September 28, 2014

Severe water Shortage in Gedo Region

While most of Somalia is going under severe drought, HARO reached Gedo region which faced severe water shortage. HARO dispatched team to deliver water tanker trucks […]